Monday, March 4, 2019

Engineering Ideas - Arduino Lilypad

From the Skype call, I heard that the Computer Science/Engineering students wanted to design some electronics into a jacket.  One option would be to use something like the Arduino lilypad - This board is designed to make it easy to connect conductive thread that could then be connected to LED lights and other electronic components in a jacket.

Fun question? Why is the pinned Welcome post dated Jan 7, 2092

I created a pinned post to stay at the top of the blog... I had to pick a date far in the future... what is important about this date?  Hint: it's someones Birthday.


Welcome to the collaboration space for Jhangshu International & SVCTE.  This is a collaboration space to participate in a Cross-Border / Class Project.  We can start posting Ideas and plans... and then the teachers and administrators can update project pages on the Project Google Site. 

All the students should be able to post new blog posts, and I'll update the blog so that the teachers are admin and can edit pages as well as posts.

tell me what we should call the projects, and I'll create a project page on the Google site
-- Mr. Burnham (jim.The.STEAM.Clown)